Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 5.1
2.7 MB

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 5.1

Scans computers for threats and malware
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5.1.6 See all
1 / 36
Awards (6)
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer User Rating 4
2.7 MB

The suite maintains the safety and stability of the work of an operating system. It runs a scan of selected drives or the entire system in the application with built-in algorithms to identify and contain malware, Trojans and similar threats. It supports database updates.

Malwarebytes Anti-malware is intended to protect your system from several types of threats, particularly those that your main antivirus software might miss. Besides virus signatures, the tool uses artificial-intelligence technologies to identify suspicious behaviors, which allows it to detect viruses even before they are included in any database. Another advantage of using smart virus detection is that the application can work quite effectively in the event the database has not been updated.

The program has two main scan modes: one of them is quicker and shallow, while the other takes considerably more time but does a more thorough job. Besides, it can also offer real-time protection, although it is not available if you are using the free version. Besides, it includes a memory protection module, which prevents the use of your RAM by any potentially dangerous process. Another feature available is File Assassin, which can come in handy to delete those files Windows has blocked. In addition, it can also help you have a safer browsing experience by deterring web threats. Finally, apart from on-demand scans, you can also schedule checkups to happen at a specified frequency. more

PC Senior editor
Pedro Castro
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • AI-based virus detection technology
  • Highly accurate
  • Two scan modes
  • Malicious website protection
  • Scheduled scannings


  • The free version does not provide real-time AV protection

Comments (48)

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Bernard Bernie
Bernard Bernie, I have the same program Wise Care 365, one time payment and it covers a lot more than just file deletion. This includes a varity of deletion programs and also memory Boost. I am tired of these offfes that you download and than you realize you have to pay more for the Regestered Ver..Malware is not as good as they advertise do some shopping. Hope this helps.

Jun 24, 2024 Was it helpful?  yes(1) no(0) | Reply
Bernard Bernie
Too much HYPE for a program that stinks. I have Wise Uninstaller and it does a 100 percent better job and is free with Wise Care. Purchase wise Care for a onetime fee for life, never a problem with tech support or Keys for activation. Malware does a terrible job in program deletion. I recently deleted a program and rebooted and only to find more than 20 percent still in the registry. Not worth it.

Dec 25, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(1) | Reply
Bernard Bernie
Bernard Bernie, I have the same program Wise Care 365, one time payment and it covers a lot more than just file deletion. This includes a varity of deletion programs and also memory Boost. I am tired of these offfes that you download and than you realize you have to pay more for the Regestered Ver..Malware is not as good as they advertise do some shopping. Hope this helps.

Jun 24, 2024 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
Good security software!! Highly recommend!

Mar 3, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(1) no(2) | Reply
